They say the hair is a woman’s crowning glory. And it is indeed. From the oldies to the modern age, women have always been concerned with their hair and how it contributes to the whole package. Even men tend to care about their hair just like women do. A bad hair day can ruin the whole week, but there are times that just the hairstyle can save the day.
While there are a number of people who think bringing back vintage hairstyles to fit current trends and latest fashions is complacency, it is actually more of vintage hairdos influence not only actors and actresses, but the general public as well. Even vintage styles were influenced by more vintage dos. Yes, history repeats itself and fashion is a cycle, only with add-ons to complement the cycle. Although hairstyles look different at every age, the truth is that these hairstyles are re-invented to showcase not only creativity but innovativeness as well, in response to what the current year or trend needs or represents. Different hair stylists improve vintage styles to create “new looks”. For instance, vintage hairstyles are classic, but look at how singer Gwen Stefani wears those platinum blond locks worn in the 1940s – it is classic, but it rocks. If you have noticed, vintage hairstyles more often become trademarks of big celebrities. For instance, Marilyn Monroe’s golden locks have been a trademark of great sex appeal and self-confidence, and whoever wears her locks, is considered sexy and secure. Her locks became the favorite style in every costume party, especially Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas parties. Her locks are also popular even in proms and of course, award nights and other Hollywood events. How can you create vintage hairstyles? Let’s try the vintage sedu, this year’s Reese Witherspoon’s Oscar look, one of the latest improvements in hairstyles. First, make sure that you wash your hair and that you apply conditioner. Then, dry your hair either by air or using a blower. You need to apply some mousse before blowing the hair dry for three to five minutes, and style your hair in a vintage manner like Reese’s. Or you can try a bun with a French twist or some locks.
If you want your vintage style to be complete, make sure that you pick a nice vintage dress that goes with the hair. Keep in mind that when we say vintage sedu, it’s like going back twenty years ago. Since makeup twenty years ago does not include too much striking colors, you may need to use pastel colors to pull the vintage look off. Of course, the look will not be complete without accessories. You can try to accessorize by putting on not so big hoop earrings and brass bracelets in average thickness. A pair of pumps, depending on the color of your dress, will complete the look. Just make sure that you’re comfortable with the heel height, so you don’t hurt your feet and legs.
See? Getting a vintage look is not that hard – just be creative!

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