Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dina Lohan Hopes To Profit From Her Daughter Lindsay's Problems

    Lindsay Lohan's mom is shopping a tell-all book, in which she opens up about her daughter's much-publicized troubles, to publishers as the actress begins an intensive community service stint at the Los Angeles County Morgue.

    Lindsay Lohan checked in for her first day at the morgue on Friday morning just as news was breaking about Dina Lohan's book deal chase., who obtained the draft prologue of the book, reports Dina plans to reveal all about Lindsay's alleged drug and alcohol use in the memoir.

    In the prologue, Dina, who has always been defensive about her daughter, opens up about the heartache the actress has caused her after falling in with the wrong crowd.

    She writes: "I blamed her friends, her career and her handlers for an (sic) new-found lifestyle of partying excessively. Drinking, drugging and behaving irresponsibly became Lindsay's way of daily living - and it tore me up inside."

    And she also addresses criticism aimed at her for allowing her daughter to move to Hollywood at such a young age: "How could I deny my daughter the chance of a lifetime? How could I hold Lindsay back from her dream of becoming an actress? So, I listened to others and sent my daughter to Hollywood with a few pieces of luggage and a chaperone."

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