Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hayden Panettiere & Hailee Steinfeld Honored With 'Power Of Youth' Awards

    Hayden Panettiere, Oscar nominee Hailee Steinfeld and Glee star Darren Criss have been named among the stars honored with prestigious Power of Youth awards by trade publication Variety.

    In all, seven celebrities have been recognized for their charity work and together they'll scoop up the accolades at a special ceremony in Los Angeles on Saturday.

    Glee hunk Criss has been an avid supporter of the Trevor Project, which raises awareness about the suicide rate among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth, Panettiere has been a longtime advocate of the Whaleman Foundation, which preserves oceanic habitats, and breakout True Grit star Steinfeld fronts the hunger campaign Share Our Strength.

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