Friday, October 14, 2011

Johnny Depp

    A face only a mother could love?

    Looking like the love child of Willy Wonka and Sweeney Todd's Mrs. Lovett, as styled by Edward Scissorhands, Johnny Depp slinks into his latest role, as 200-year-old vampire Barnabas Collins, shown here on the U.K. set of the film adaptation of the Gothic 1966-71 afternoon TV soap, Dark Shadows.

    "There’s something about this vampire coming back after 200 years into this modern world, with a touch of the poetic, with maybe a tendency to maybe wax a little poetic now and again," Depp, 48, told MTV News earlier this year. "I have a good feeling about it. But Jonathan Frid’s Barnabas was so special."

    Dark Shadows, set for release next May, will reunite Depp with his frequent collaborator, director Tim Burton, as well as his Sweeney Todd costar Helena Bonham Carter. It will also feature Michelle Pfeiffer, Eva Green, Chloe Moretz and Jackie Earle Haley – and cameo appearances by the TV version's David Selby, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Lara Parker ... and, drumroll, 86-year-old Jonathan Frid.

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