Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mariah Carey Shows Off Adorable Twins On ABC's '20/20'; Opens Up About Difficult Pregnancy

    Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon showed off their adorable six-month-old twins, Moroccan and Monroe, to Barbara Walters on ABC news program 20/20 Friday night.

    During the interview, Mariah opened up about her difficult pregnancy for the first time and told Walters that she experienced all sorts of problems while carrying the babies. She even shared that she had a miscarriage prior to getting pregnant with the twins.

    The "Hero" singer smiled through her nine months as an expectant mom, but admits that it was a near-miracle both babies were born healthy after she suffered high blood pressure, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

    "I don't think I understood the enormity and the magnitude of what it (pregnancy) really does to your body," she says. "It's not just, 'Oh, you don't look pretty and you have a bump...' I was carrying two babies.

    "Unless somebody's been through it, it's difficult to understand what I went through because my pregnancy was very unique in terms of what happened to me."

    The twins were born at the end of April.

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