Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ashley Madekwe

    Ashley is currently known for her role as "Marissa", has previously played one of the lead roles in the Showtime's Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. It's no secret that Ashley Madekwe is gorgeous. What you might not know is that the beautiful actress has days where she doesn't feel beautiful and that she hates to workout!

    What is your daily beauty regimen?

    When I wake up in the morning, I always wash my face with a gel cleanser, either from Dermalogica or Clinique and I always moisturize. I use Oil of Olay as a moisturizer.

    Is it any different when filming?

    When I’m filming, I use an oil-based cleanser.

    What are your favorite beauty brands?

    For my hair, I’ve just got into Frederic Fakkai, I really like their products. It makes you feel like it’s doing something for your hair. For makeup, I love to use MAC foundation.

    What is your fitness regimen like?

    Well finding time to exercise is a problem because I’m filming all the time. But when we do, I’m not really into running or weight lifting or anything like that. I like to go to yoga. So I found a place in the city and I go to that. I just do not like exercise.

    What is the best beauty advice you’ve ever been given?

    Always wash your makeup off before you go to sleep

    What is the worst beauty advice you’ve ever taken and regretted?

    I once went to get my eyebrows threaded, and I did not like it. *laughs* I just tweeze them myself now. I find that better to do it yourself.

    Who is your personal beauty icon?

    I love Thandie Newton. She always looks so fresh faced and her skin looks really pure. Love her.

    Do you ever have days where you wake up and just don’t feel beautiful?

    I think everyone has those days. This week, I’m a bit sick so that be them.

    Do you have anything that makes you feel better?

    Yeah. I think when you put on a bit of blush you always look healthier, so I always do that.

    Can you tell me a little bit more about your character Marissa on The Beautiful Life?

    I play Marissa, and she’s very spicy, ambitious, she’s not afraid to say how she feels and go after what she wants.

    What can we expect this season?

    You can expect lots of drama, lots of big cameos. People in the industry and we’ve got some more designers and models as well. I think its fun to spot the fashion people in all of the episodes so you can expect more of that.

    Would you like to send a message to my readers?

    Just look after yourself inside and out you’ll feel happy and beautiful.

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