Friday, October 14, 2011

Britney Spears Breaks 10 Million Mark on Twitter

    Britney Spears now has more than 10 million Twitter fans. That's more than the number of bikini photos on THG or people in the great state of Michigan!

    It's an exclusive club Britney's Twitter has joined.

    Only five other human beings - Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Barack Obama and Kim Kardashian have cracked the eight-figure follower mark.

    The pop star has returned the favor, following 419,514 people herself, and has penned 1,095 tweets since the day she launched her account. What a gal!

    As of this morning, the official Twitter standings are:

    1. Lady Gaga: 14,441,874 Little Monsters
    2. Justin Bieber: 13,365,355 Beliebers
    3. Katy Perry: 10,751,805 Lovers of generic, catchy pop songs
    4. President Obama: 10,527,232 American youths who were all about him in '08, and still like him enough not to unfollow him, but may not vote in '12
    5. Kim Kardashian: 10,356,472 People with nothing better to do than read her professional Tweet writer's painfully boring observations on everything
    6. Britney Spears: 10,157,102 Femme Fatale faithful
    7. Shakira: 9,154,900 Crushes on the Colombian cutie
    8. Taylor Swift: 8,458,688 Screeching girls who can quote every lyric
    9. Rihanna: 8,317,546 Members of Rated R Nation
    10. Ashton Kutcher: 7,928,341 Sara Leal Fan Club members

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