Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Salma Hayek Reveals How She Stays Drop-Dead Gorgeous At 45

    The 45-year-old bombshell Salma Hayek, who voices the love interest in the animated feature Puss in Boots this month, opens up to Latina about how she found success in love and life on her own terms.

    On waiting patiently to become a mother & wife:
    "To be your own woman, you have to question who you really are and what it is you really want – and you have to have a level of acceptance of what you can do. The things I expected of myself when I was 20 did not happen, or did not happen the way I imagined they would, and it's okay. Let's just take this one day at a time and do the best that I can and be grateful for the things I do have."

    On her husband François-Henri Pinault:
    "I found a man better than any man I could ever in my life imagine existed. He found me, actually. I wasn't even looking."

    On having divine skin:
    "When I was 16, I looked 19. When I was 19, I looked 25. But I got stuck on 25 – thank God! – until I was 35. So that was good. But it's also important to take care of your skin because if you're not careful, one day you'll wake up and a spider will have taken over your face and you'll be full of lines."

    On cosmetic surgery:
    "I have no Botox. The thought of a needle coming to my forehead, it really gives me the heebie-jeebies. So I'd rather put on my creams. It's fun, it smells good, and it's relaxing. Am I opposed to doing it later? I don't know. I want to see how far I can go."

    On launching her new beauty line:
    "At the time I wanted to do the beauty line I didn't know how, but I never stopped trying to learn. It's not that I said, 'I've gotta do this no matter what.' It was like, 'I know how to act. I don't know how to do this other thing, but I think I could.' So I studied, I paid attention, I asked a lot of questions, I investigated each product. And then, in time, it came."

    On the busiest year of her career:
    "I'm 45, so it's a miracle I'm working in the first place – especially because I'm not even here [stateside] chasing it. Nowadays I only work with friends or somebody I admire, or on something that is really special. Somehow, just by doing that, it's the year that I worked the most in my life!"

    On what's next:
    "I'm in a very comfortable position because, [even] if I never worked again and am just a housewife and a mother, I'm happy. I really am. I was born to be a wife and a mother."

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