Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bibi Jones

    BiBi Jones is a national sensation. That fact gets far more intriguing when you consider the reason is that she was a party to some very benign pictures. All of this makes me scratch my head as I wonder why she didn't go into a slightly more reputable field of work: sports agent.

    We have heard all the angles concerning the scandal that rocked Patriots nation this week. Rob Gronkowski had the gall to snap off some pictures of him and porn star BiBi Jones.

    When hearing all the buzz, I was just as shocked as you to find the pictures were rather dull compared to the fallout that took place. The tight end has since apologized, yet the buzz has failed to wear off for Jones.

    A porn star that nobody but a few depraved souls had heard of is enjoying A-list fame at the moment. I was intrigued to find that this is not even close to her first foray into the sports world.

    According to multiple reports by The Business Insider, Jones has been around the sports block before, and in a helpful way...sort of.

    Terry Bross is an agent for Gaylord Sports Management, and according to Jones, the one that used her to woo potential clients after Arizona Diamondbacks games.

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