Sunday, November 20, 2011

Selena Gomez's Stalker Back In Police Custody

    The man accused of posing a serious threat to Selena Gomez is back in police custody - just a day after a judge ruled that there wasn't significant enough evidence against him that showed his intentions of carrying out a threat he made on the singer's life.

    Last month, Thomas Brodnicki - who's been arrested for stalking several times in the past - told his therapist that he "had conversations with God" about killing Gomez, but the court only handed him a civil restraining order before setting him free on Wednesday.

    But now, Brodnicki has been taken back into custody by detectives from the LAPD's (Los Angeles Police Department) Threat Management Unit on Thursday, and they're not taking his threats lightly.

    According to, the police unit has placed Brodnicki in a '5150' psychiatric hold - a section of the California Welfare and institutions Code that lets a qualified officer confine a person deemed mentally unfit enough to pose a danger to themself or others. Police are trying to make him a ward of the state in order to send him back to his native Illinois for a full mental health evaluation and to get him as far away from Selena as they can.

    Brodnicki denies making the threat; however, Selena has stepped up her private security.

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