Monday, November 21, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Allowed One Week Delay In Jail Term To Complete Her Playboy Photo Shoot

    Lindsay Lohan may be headed back to the slammer for another 30 days, but it won't be right away.

    After Tuesday's sentencing the star was given a one-week reprieve - so she can go finish her nude photo shoot for Playboy magazine.

    The Mean Girls star was handed the sentence for violating her probation, and reports that Lindsay's lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, asked judge Stephanie Sautner for a delay in the star's jail term as it would result in a breach of contract with the magazine, for which she's getting paid $1 million to show it all off.

    Now (thankfully!) she'll have to finish that photo shoot and has report to jail by November 9th.

    Monday night, former Playboy Playmate of the Year Jayde Nicole told that Lindsay's spread better be "nasty" to justify her high paycheck.

    "If you're getting a million dollars, I wanna see s**t I've never seen before," she said (also giving away the fact that she's apparently never heard of the internet).

    And for those wondering how far Lindsay's going to go with her shoot, last week the gossip site reported that she'll be showing it all - "boobs, a**, and vag."

    Lindsay's *ahem* spread is set to appear in the January issue of Playboy, giving the magazine plenty of time to airbrush a few years away.

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