Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kate Walsh Hairstyles

    The lineup of roasters for former Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen last night was mildly pathetic but there was one woman who came out of the woodwork and delivered one hell of a punch. Who was it? Well, Grey’s Anatomy star Kate Walsh, of course.

    Fans of the fiery red-head may have been a little surprised to see the doctor letting loose with off-color jokes but there’s no doubt that Walsh had the hit line of the night.

    Here’s the line that has everyone talking today (you can see the perfectly delivered joke in the video at the bottom of the post as well):

    “You know it’s amazing despite all those years of abusing your lungs, your kidney, your liver…the only thing you’ve had removed is your kids.”


    Kate finished off her roast by saying “For some reason, you’re able to defy science and medicine and continue to survive. I’ll pencil you in for your relapse next week.”

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