Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jonah Hill

    Jonah Hill paid Late Night with Jimmy Fallon a visit recently and revealed a secret celebrity fued with...Glee's Matthew Morrison?

    The bad blood apparently started at the FOX upfronts, when Jonah overheard Morrison tell a joke that had the Moneyball star as the punch line. To add an even more hilariously bizarre element to the story, Morrison was reportedly telling the joke to Gossip Girl's Chace Crawford.

    "Yo Matthew Morrison, you better bring your sh-- next time I see you," Hill quipped. "I'd like to see him sing his way out of this one."

    When Matthew Morrison heard the news he responded with a tongue in cheek video message for Hill that aired on Jimmy Fallon last night. "I heard that Jonah said I should bring my sh-- next time. Well, guess what? This is next time. You think I can't sing my way out of this?" Morrison said as he danced around the Glee set. "I can sing my way out of it and I can dance my way out of it. Pick a date and I will meet you on Late Night and we will settle this like men."

    "Be very afraid. Nobody messes with someone from musical theater." Morrison added. "This just got real, man." Then he proved that it was all in good fun by grinning and saying that he couldn't wait to see Moneyball.

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