Friday, September 23, 2011

Chaz Bono

    so the upcoming lineup to dancing with the stars was announced and a lot of people appear to be shocked, appalled and disgusted that chaz bono is one of the contestants.

    chaz bono was the only child, a daughter (and i guess now, the son) of entertainers cher and sonny bono. chaz-titty underwent some sexual reassignment procedure but as far as i know, genatalia-wise chaz does not yet have a penis. so we might be in the wonderful gray area of the modern age where we don’t know what to call someone. i guess they’ve settled on transgender but that seems off to me, since he hasn’t fully been transformed.

    i don’t think it matters that much what you call chaz. but labels seem important to both him and everyone else around me.

    someone asked me today if chaz was arrested what part of the jail they would go to. i think if you have a penis, you go to the men’s side. a vagina or anything like it you go to the female side, regardless of what the rest of you looks like. this is both for your protection and the protection of the other inmates from you. i tried to call the salt lake county jail today to ask just this question and they didn’t take me seriously and hung up on me. so much for actual research.

    anyways an awful lot of people are bugged by the public discussion of chaz. and i got to wondering, why does this bother some people so much?

    are some people so bothered with chaz bono because they are secretly jealous? wait…. keep reading. that is to say, we all have our identity/life and we may not like it or parts of it very much, but there’s not a lot we can really do about it quite often. a transgendered person has whatever issues or ideas about their identity or themselves and they can, if they choose, actually change themselves. physically and permanently.

    i wonder if part of the agitation in some is a kind of tacit, unspoken anger that they see him and those like him as not accepting of their lot in life and having the ability to do something about it whereas with most folks, their gender isn’t the issue. for them it’s that mountain of other things that there is no such thing as surgery for. and maybe this frustration is where their ire arises from.

    i have here a documentary called becoming chaz about his ‘transformation’. i’ll watch and review it shortly.

    just a thought. chaz is not in super shape. chaz has always been chubby. controversy or not i don’t see chaz or nancy grace (another oddball choice for the show’s upcoming slate of dancers) getting past the first few weeks of competition. so enjoy (or hate) it while you can.

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